How to classify Cifar image with Alexnet on Deeplearning4j

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I am a beginner to Deeplearning4j, and going to to a testing on Cifar-10 images classify. I just copy the Alexnet from DL4j example( like:

    MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
        .dist(new NormalDistribution(0.0, 0.01))
        .gradientNormalization(GradientNormalization.RenormalizeL2PerLayer) // normalize to prevent vanishing or exploding gradients
        .l2(5 * 1e-4)
        .layer(0, convInit("cnn1", channels, 96, new int[]{11, 11}, new int[]{4, 4}, new int[]{3, 3}, 0))
        .layer(1, new LocalResponseNormalization.Builder().name("lrn1").build())
        .layer(2, maxPool("maxpool1", new int[]{3,3}))
        .layer(3, conv5x5("cnn2", 256, new int[] {1,1}, new int[] {2,2}, nonZeroBias))
        .layer(4, new LocalResponseNormalization.Builder().name("lrn2").build())
        .layer(5, maxPool("maxpool2", new int[]{3,3}))
        .layer(6,conv3x3("cnn3", 384, 0))
        .layer(7,conv3x3("cnn4", 384, nonZeroBias))
        .layer(8,conv3x3("cnn5", 256, nonZeroBias))
        .layer(9, maxPool("maxpool3", new int[]{3,3}))
        .layer(10, fullyConnected("ffn1", 4096, nonZeroBias, dropOut, new GaussianDistribution(0, 0.005)))
        .layer(11, fullyConnected("ffn2", 4096, nonZeroBias, dropOut, new GaussianDistribution(0, 0.005)))
        .layer(12, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
        .setInputType(InputType.convolutional(height, width, channels))

When I run the code it threw an exception say there are some problems with "layer-9" configuration on new int[]{3,3}, it should be greater than 0 and less than pHeight + 2*padH. When change the weight*height from 32 * 32 to 100*100 in java code, it ran properly, but I and not should the result is good. So I am a little bit confused on the layer configuration on alexnet deal with 32*32 images.


There are 1 answers

Adam Gibson On

That isn't going to be the right example to use. Please wait till we finish out our new model import from keras instead. That will also include the pretrained models.