I'm new to asp.net and c#. Trying to check radiobutton is selected or not selected. if it selected else clause will work if it's not selected want to set lbl_hata with "EMPTY!!" text.
I have also tried selectedIndexChanged and it didn't work. How can I solve this situation?
if (RadioButtonList_gorusmeYapilanOkul.SelectedValue == "")
lbl_hata.Text = "EMPTY!!";
if (yetkiliAdSoyad_txt.Text=="")
lbl_hata.Text = "EMPTY!!";
This is aspx page;
<td class="auto-style2">
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList_gorusmeYapilanOkul" runat="server" Width="174px" >
<asp:ListItem Value="Seyrantepe Şube 1">Seyrantepe Şube 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="Seyrantepe Şube 2">Seyrantepe Şube 2</asp:ListItem>
selectedIndexChanged is an event that will be fired (called) when the user selects a radio button in the group.
It should like you are trying to check whether RadioButtonList_gorusmeYapilanOkul has a selected option or not. I assume this is on a different event (like the user has clicked on a button). If this is the case you don't need to trap the selectedIndexChanged event.
I would suggest you use some code like the following:
Then put a breakpoint on the first line and walk through using the debugger, this will allow you to get an understanding of what is happening and how the logic flows.
UPDATE: I don't want to post this as a comment because it would lose formatting. Can you try the following code: