How to check podfile version added to Xcode project?

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I am using RestKit, it uses different podfiles.I want to know which is the podfile version used in that sample app.And also want to know how to update podfile via terminal?


There are 2 answers


Answer of Question 1

you can learn this in project's podspec file. For your case it's RestKit's podspec : do |s|             =  'RestKit'
  s.version          =  '0.24.1'
  s.summary          =  'RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X.'
  s.homepage         =  ''
  s.social_media_url =  ''           =  { 'Blake Watters' => '[email protected]' }
  s.source           =  { :git => '', :tag => "v#{s.version}" }
  s.license          =  'Apache License, Version 2.0'

... ... ...

When you use in your Podfile like this :

pod 'RestKit'

it'll automatically get latest released version!. For your case it's this line in project's podspec file :

  s.version          =  '0.24.1'

but if you want to decide which version you want to installed with this line :

pod 'RestKit', '~> 0.24.0'

Answer to Question 2

you can update pods with this command :

pod update

Hope everything is clear now.

Sreedeepkesav M S On

Question 1:

If the pod is installed, Go to the info.plist file of the pod and there you can see the version of the installed pod.

Question 2: To update podfile via terminal, open podfile using

vi podfile

Click "i" and then you can edit or insert an item in podfile. To save the changes, Use

click esc then :wq!

Run pod update to update the changes.