I am using Custom Tabs
to launch web view
The issue is that, if i disable chrome
it opens the URL
in an activity, which does not have any button in it.
I want to launch Web Browser
, if chrome is not installed on your user device, and launch custom tab
, if chrome is there.
This is my code to launch Custom Tabs
CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder()
// This is optional but recommended
CustomTabsHelper.addKeepAliveExtra(eContext, customTabsIntent.intent);
// This is where the magic happens...
CustomTabsHelper.openCustomTab(eContext, customTabsIntent,
new WebViewFallback());
This is to answer how you can check if chrome is disabled. ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo("chrome_package_name", 0); boolean isAppEnabled = applicationInfo.enabled;
reference: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/ApplicationInfo.html#enabled
Happy to help.