I have a JSON file with varying schema.
{"asin":"xxxxxx", "title":"xxxsomething"}
{"asin":"zzzzzz", "title":"zzzsomething"}
For which I have written a pig script that makes use of twitter's elephant-bird library to load the JSON data and convert it into a tab separated file.
However if a line in the input JSON file is missing the "title" key (line# 2 in above example), the tvs file also has nothing in place of it, like:
xxxxxx xxxsomething
zzzzzz zzzsomething
I would like to give custom default value if a particular key is missing. How can I do this using PigLatin?
expected output:
xxxxxx xxxsomething
yyyyyy default_string
zzzzzz zzzsomething
Here's my script:
REGISTER elephant-bird-elephant-bird-4.13/pig/target/elephant-bird-pig-4.13.jar;
REGISTER elephant-bird-elephant-bird-4.13/hadoop-compat/target/elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.13.jar;
REGISTER elephant-bird-elephant-bird-4.13/core/target/elephant-bird-core-4.13-thrift9.jar;
reviews = load '../data/Amazon/meta_Amazon_Instant_Video.json'
using com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader();
tabs = FOREACH reviews generate (chararray)$0#'asin' as asin_new, (chararray)$0#'title';
A = ORDER tabs BY asin_new;
STORE A INTO 'hdfs://localhost:9000/meta_Amazon_Instant_Video.tsv';
You can simply write a UDF for that and put the condition that if either one of them is empty then pass the default string.