How to check for both POST and GET data whilst using filter_input?

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I'm wondering if it's possible to get a variable whether it is in POST or GET and then use filter_input() to sanitize it.

At first I thought that $var = filter_input(INPUT_POST | INPUT_GET, "var", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) might work, however it doesn't and the PHP manual states you can only pass one type of input.

I also tried INPUT_REQUEST, which strangely didn't work. The function recognises it (i.e. it doesn't throw up an error saying I've put something wrong in $input), yet it won't get any code. And yes, I know not to use INPUT_REQUEST in a live environment, I was just purely testing to see if it would work.

Currently I do the following:

$var = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "var", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
if(!$var) $var = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "var", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

however with many things in PHP, there is often simpler way that will do it all for me in one command. I'm wondering if that is the case here, can I combine them into one check? I performed a cursory search on Google and couldn't even find any references to anyone trying this before, let alone a solution, so now I turn to you good folks.


There are 6 answers

Halcyon On

It's considered bad practice if you don't know whether your input is in GET or POST. You should always know and not just randomly accept whatever.

Gabriel Glenn On

If you sanitize properly your input, I would personally test the result of filtre_input for null, because the if(!$var) condition could be triggered by a falsy but existing value like 0.

For instance :

function getLatitude($name) {
  if($var === null){
  return $var;

With the usual !$var condition and FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, you will get a null value instead of 0.

PhoneixS On

I think there isn't a better approach than making a custom function with the code you already mentioned:

function getPostOrGet($name) {

  $var = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $name, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

  if(!$var) $var = filter_input(INPUT_GET, $name, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

  return $var;


And if you think in it is normal you can't use the | operator because then what happened if it's defined in both.

Also note that, as it's a bad practice, it doesn't have an "easy" way of doing it. So use a custom function if you really need it, and use only the correct input type if you can.

Marco On

A little bit late to the party. I had the same probem. My solution for this case is a approch like this:

$data = array_merge(filter_input_array(INPUT_POST), filter_input_array(INPUT_GET));
$var = $data["var"];

If you need to sanitize before use the options from filter_input_array:

For example:

$args = array(

And combined:

$data = array_merge(filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $args), filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, $args));
$var = $data["var"];
mahnouel On

From what i read you could change the value POST in your form to GET - that way you only need to accept GET - not sure if i understood it the right way.

Mels_D On

Old topic, but for some cases it can be handy