I am created Android application communicate with AWS Iot Core using AWS Android SDK its perfectly working but If Device is disconnected while power or internet problem, I want to show status of Device is Connected or Disconnected, I found one using LastWillAndTestament showing device status but its not working Help me to solve this
String topic - $aws/things/LogoTest1/shadow/update
AWSIotMqttLastWillAndTestament lwt = new AWSIotMqttLastWillAndTestament(topic,
"Android client lost connection", AWSIotMqttQos.QOS0);
Another one is https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/device-shadow-comms-app.html#thing-connection In the Developer guide shows To Create a rule that republishes the MQTT LWT message but there is no republishes the MQTT LWT message in Aws iot action it only have Republish a message to an AWS IoT topic Help me to solve this problem
Maybe this work
Detecting a device is connected
To determine if a device is currently connected, include a connected property in the shadow document and use an MQTT Last Will and Testament (LWT) message to set the connected property to false if a device is disconnected due to an error.