I am using FreeTTS to speak out some text in my java program. I want to embed MBROLA Voices in it. I followed the instructions, but I got stuck here:
Enable FreeTTS Support for MBROLA
To enable FreeTTS support for MBROLA, merely copy mbrola/mbrola.jar to lib/mbrola.jar. Then, whenever you run any FreeTTS application, specify the "mbrola.base" directory as a system property:
java -Dmbrola.base=/home/jim/mbrola -jar bin/FreeTTSHelloWorld.jar mbrola_us1
In the tutorial what they are doing is, they type this line in cmd to make a jar file speak in the voice they are telling (us1) but what i have to do is that, i already have a java program and i want to change the voice it speaks. How to do this?
I tried to change the vm options but that does not help.
Note: I am using Netbeans IDE and i also have the file 'FreeTTSHelloWorld.jar'
So in short, i am looking for a clear explanation on how to proceed/add MBROLA Voices into FreeTTS library in java(for a newbie)...
What do you say? should i consider changing my OS to Ubuntu for Java Development???
-D is used to provide a system property to your java program. So you need to provide it while running your java program:
If you are using an IDE such as eclipse then you can do the same by going to: