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I'm creating an app with Expo on SDK 47, and I've used the "Expo Notifications" library to implement notifications that are working perfectly. However, so far I haven't been able to change the notification icon. I've followed the documentation and other information I found while researching, but it hasn't worked.

Some options I've tested in the app.json file are:

Option 1:

"expo": {
"plugins": [
"icon": "./assets/notification-icon.png",
"color": "#FFFFFF"

Option 2:

"expo": {
"notification": {
"icon": "./assets/notification-icon.png"

To compile the app, I'm using the "npx expo run:android" command to run it directly on my phone because I'm using other libraries that need native code.

Note: The image for the icon is already in PNG format with a size of 96x96 and in grayscale, as requested in the Expo Notifications documentation:

Can anyone help me?

I need to change the notification icon on Android

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