I am trying to create a scaled venn diagram using the eulerr
package in R.
My Code is below:
plot(euler(c( "LUTS"=98, "Symptoms of UTI"=46, "Positive urine culture"=39,
"Symptoms of UTI&LUTS"=33, "LUTS&Positive urine culture"=24,
"Symptoms of UTI&Positive urine culture"=22, "Symptoms of UTI&LUTS&Positive urine culture"=18),
input = "union", shape = "ellipse"), key = TRUE, counts = TRUE,
quantities = list(type = c("counts", "percent"), font=3, round=2, cex=0.8),
fills =list(fill=c(viridis::plasma(n = 3))), alpha = 0.3, c("#1957FF", "#FF750C", "#FF220C"), alpha = 0.3,
edges=list(lty = 1), factor_names = TRUE, labels=list(font=2, cex=1), legend = FALSE)
How do I get the percent values to print below the count values? Something like this:
Unless I'm missing something in the docs, I don't see the option to do this. However, since
produces a grob tree, we can edit the output with a bit of grob-hacking: