How to change the file extension for phpdocumentor 2 twig writer

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I'm trying to output markdown instead of html with a phpDocumentor 2 template. I am outputting markdown fine but not able to change the filename extension for classes.

The artifact makes sense when it's a single transformation. When query=indexes.classesis used how does it decide that the filename should be [class].html?

I've tried artifact="{CLASS}.md", artifact="{{CLASS}}.md", artifact=".md" but it always treats them literally.

<transformations> <transformation query="indexes.classes" writer="twig" source="templates/docsify-twig/" /> <transformation writer="twig" source="templates/responsive-twig/reports/markers.html.twig" artifact="markers.html"/> </transformations>


There are 1 answers

Dustin Butler On

I guess it's a matter of reading the code. From

 * A complex example transformation line could be:
 *     ```
 *     <transformation
 *         query="indexes.classes"
 *         writer="twig"
 *         source="templates/twig/class.twig"
 *         artifact="{{name}}.html"/>
 *     ```