How to change the dashlet name in alfresco community v5.0.0?

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I am unable to change the dashlet title names. In the customize dashboard page there is an option to only choose among the predefined dashlets. How do we add a custom dashlet or change the name of the dashlets available.


There are 2 answers

Krutik Jayswal On

You can not change Name of dashlet directly without changing code.If you want to change name of existing dashlet you need to override that dashlet.

For creating new dashlet I have have some references which are as below.

Deeptha AS On

I found out a way to do it.

We need to change the header in the property files under the folder '\tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\dashlets\'

for ex: to change the title of the image preview dashlet, we need to change the header in file.