How to change header color of ion-menu, without changing color of ion-navbar?

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I have this below code for ion navbar, where I am having one menu icon on the right side. And I want to change the color of that menu header.But when i am changing color of ion-navbar , it is changing for menu header also.I want separate color for both ion-navbar and ion-menu.

<ion-menu [content]="content" side="right" id="menu2">
        <ion-toolbar class="menu_header">
        <ion-list no-lines>
             <button ion-item  menuClose="menu2" detail-none>
            <button ion-item  menuClose="menu2" detail-none>
    <ion-navbar primary>
        <ion-title class="header-title" text-center>
        <button ion-button icon-only menuToggle="right" end >
            <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>

And for changing the color of ion-navbar I am adding the below line in variable.scss

$toolbar-background: #EF473A;

Can anyone please help me how to keep the separate color for both?


There are 1 answers

Th3S4mur41 On

If you want to change the color only for the titles, you could use the classes

.header-title {
  color: blue;
.menu_header {
  color: #EF473A;

If you'd like to change the color for the whole header You can either do it on the element:

body > ion-header {
  color: blue;
ion-menu > ion-header {
  color: #EF473A;

or alternatively add a class to the elements you want to modify, but that potentially mean editing a third party component...