How to change display name of admin side menu of nopcommerce

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I want to change the display name.

  • What I did so far:

Added this line to sidemap.config

<siteMapNode SystemName="Customer reports" nopResource="Admin.Reports.Customers" PermissionNames="ManageCustomers" controller="Report" action="Customers" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />


Added this line to defaultResources.nopres.xml

 <LocaleResource Name="Admin.Reports.Rewords">
    <Value>Reword Reports</Value>

I was reading this blog :

But it does not work! :(

I'm use NopCommerce 4.1


There are 1 answers

Divyang Desai On BEST ANSWER

Default resources are added to the database on nopCommerce installation, thus if you're trying to add any entry programmatically, you would need to add that record to the DB too. To check if required resource is available or not:

Goto admin > configuration > Languages > English(default) > Edit > String resources tab
And try to search with Resource name Admin.Reports.Rewords, you would be found that record is not present, now add it manually by Add new button, and check it admin menu.

Hope this helps!