how to change __consumer_offsets cleanup plicy to delete from compact?

7.9k views Asked by At

I have kafka clusters with 3 nodes,in kafka log directory have __consumer_offsets-XX,lots of log files as 100MB used by disk place over 90%, excutes command:

./bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --entity-name __consumer_offsets --entity-type topics

Configs for topics:__consumer_offsets are:


This topic cleanup policy is compact,how to change to delete?


There are 1 answers

Natalia On

This topic is system topic for kafka. Two clean up policies are applied to it: compaction and delete(offsets.retention.minutes).

If you want to decrease size of that topic:

  1. change segment.bytes to smaller amount (param offsets.topic.segment.bytes)
  2. decrease retention policy for unused consumer groups (param offsets.retention.minutes)
  3. try to decrease amount of partitions for this topic (param offsets.topic.num.partitions)