How to catch SqlIntegrityConstraint violation exception

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I have a scenario where user submits an order for a fund and a security. And if he submits the another order with same fund and security DB throws back SqlIntegrityVoilationException with error code ora-00001.

But my question here is this exception is not getting caught under java.sql.sqlintegrityconstraintviolationexception. I am able to catch this under org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException, but I am not able to retrieve the error code (to check for ora-00001).

Anybody has any ideas how to catch that exception and retrieve the error code to check so that I can put back a custom error message like "you cannot submit a dup order for same fund and security combination".


catch (SQLException e) {
      ex = e; inOrder.setActionMessage(ex.getMessage()); 
catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
      ex = e; inOrder.setActionMessage(ex.getMessage()); 

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