I want to have a custom resource to edit a file like "crontab" resource does.
Below is my custom resource which does the job but in 'why-run' mode it doesn't show what string it would add or remove.
resource_name :super_tab
provides :super_tab
property :command, String, name_property: true
property :path, String, required: true
property :allowed_user, String, required: true
property :uid, String, default: 'root'
action :add do
ruby_block "edit super.tab" do
block do
supertab = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new("/etc/super.tab")
supertab.search_file_delete_line(/^#{command} /)
supertab.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{command} /, "#{command} #{path} #{allowed_user} uid=#{uid}")
1) Do not use FileEdit. It is an internal API within Chef and is not considered suitable for public use.
2) The specific issue is that ruby_block resources are not run during whyrun as we have no way to prevent them from having side effects.