Need a code example of repaint() method for dxList widget in Phonejs
NB: I want to call repaint() after a user action such as click.
Use the "repaint" method in the following manner:
<!--TRIGGER--> <div data-bind="dxButton: { text: 'repaint dxList', clickAction: onClick }"></div> <!--TARGET LIST--> <div id="targetList" data-bind="dxList: { width: 100, dataSource: [{ key: 1, title: 'element_1'}, { key: 2, title: 'element_2' }, { key: 3, title: 'element_3' }] }"> <div data-bind="dxAction: '#itemDetailsViewName/{key}'" data-options="dxTemplate : { name: 'item' } "> <div data-bind="text: title"></div> </div> </div> onClick: function () { var list = $("#targetList").dxList("instance"); list.option('width', 200); list.repaint(); }
Use the "repaint" method in the following manner: