How to call Azure service fabric remoting proxy with CancellationToken?

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Based on the documentation sample, the proxy is created like this:

IMyService helloWorldClient = ServiceProxy.Create<IMyService>(new 

string message = await helloWorldClient.HelloWorldAsync();

But providing I need to limit the max amount of response time I would normally create CancellationToken and pass it down to the call. Is there a way how to pass the token to proxy so it cancels waiting for the result from remote service?


There are 3 answers

dharshana jagoda On

You can do this in V2 stack, I haven't tried the V1 stack but it might work there too. Add a parameter of CancellationToken type to the method signature:

void HelloWorldAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);

this token will then get passed to ServicePartitionClient.InvokeWithRetryAsync method via the proxy.

The generated proxy method will look like the following:

Task<string> IMyService.HelloWorldAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    IServiceRemotingRequestMessageBody serviceRemotingRequestMessageBody = base.CreateRequestMessageBodyV2("MyNamespace.IMyService", "HelloWorldAsync", 1);
    Task<IServiceRemotingResponseMessageBody> task = base.InvokeAsyncV2(
    1, -1, "HelloWorldAsync", serviceRemotingRequestMessageBody,
    return base.ContinueWithResultV2<ServiceInfoResponse>(task);

Without the CancellationToken parameter the proxy method looks like:

Task<string> IMyService.HelloWorldAsync()
    IServiceRemotingRequestMessageBody serviceRemotingRequestMessageBody = base.CreateRequestMessageBodyV2("MyNamespace.IMyService", "HelloWorldAsync", 1);
    Task<IServiceRemotingResponseMessageBody> task = base.InvokeAsyncV2(
    1, -1, "HelloWorldAsync", serviceRemotingRequestMessageBody,
    return base.ContinueWithResultV2<ServiceInfoResponse>(task);

If you want to inspect the generated proxy assembly use the following attribute in the EntryPoint assembly or the assembly that has the service interface defined:

[assembly: CodeBuilder(EnableDebugging = true)]
Diego Mendes On

As far I can tell, is not possible to do it passing a cancellation token to the calls, because it is just a proxy and it will only accept parameters for the methods you describe in your interfaces.

To accomplish what you want, Cancel an operation after a certain time, you have to configure the FabricTransportRemotingListenerSettings and set the OperationTimeout to the desired timeout. The default is 5 minutes.

You can also do this setting via TransportSettings in the service settings.xml.

The following link will show both examples of how to set FabricTransportRemotingListenerSettings or TransportSettings configurations.

The documentation does not show, but the parameter you have to set is: OperationTimeout

The same can be done for actors, see here, pay attention that for actors some settings are different.

swcraft On

To whom still interested in properly doing what this thread is asking, could below link be the answer?


CancellationToken support for IService/IActor

Reliable Service and Reliable Actor methods now support a cancellation token that can be remoted via ActorProxy and ServiceProxy, allowing you to implement cooperative cancellation. Clients that want to cancel a long running service or actor method can signal the cancellation token and that cancellation intent will be propagated to the actor/service method. That method can then determine when to stop execution by looking at the state of its cancellation token argument.

For example, an actor’s contract that has a possibly long-running method can be modelled as shown below:

    public interface IPrimeNumberActorInterface : IActor

        Task<ulong> FindNextPrimeNumberAsync
            (ulong previous, CancellationToken cancellationToken);


The client code that wishes to cancel the method execution can communicate its intent by canceling the cancellation token.