How to call a subroutine from one perl module to another perl module?

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I have a perl file which makes use of two perl modules ,

But in I need to call a subroutine of Even if I give use in and try to use it I am still getting undefined error.

Any help on this greatly appreciated.


There are 3 answers


There's two elements - first is finding the module. Perl has a 'library' path that you can find by:

print join ( "\n", @INC ); 

This is the places where it looks. It will also check the current working directory, but it's a little bit more difficult using a run time relative path - you need to use the FindBin module for that.

The second element is importing and exporting the subroutine. By default, if you use A; you won't import everything into your local name space because... you don't want to accidentally override one of your internal functions. That way lies madness.

So you either:

use A qw ( somefunction ); 

Which will 'pull in' that function and define it in your local namespace. The exact behavor of these things can be modified via Exporter and setting @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK.

Or refer to it by the 'package path'.


This also works for variables, although you will have to scope them with our rather than my.

Raghuveer On

Undefined error could be because your B.PM is not able to find A.PM. Can you try using

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";

or directly using use lib "$folder containing"

Also, I am not clear where are you getting undefined. In your perl script or in your B.PM module ?

Matthew Lock On

I just wanted to directly call a sub (glob) from a perl module (File::Glob::Windows) without import the sub glob as it was clashing with Moose with the error "overwriting a locally defined function with an accessor".

This pointed me in the right direction:

use File::Glob::Windows qw();   # Hide everything


File::Glob::Windows::glob(...); # Access sub explicitly