How to call a SOAP operation on a specific named WSDL port?

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Previously when working with calling SOAP web services from PowerShell life's been easy. Run $myProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri '', then all actions are magically available on the $myProxy object.

However, I've recently agreed to help implement a quick script which allows us to send data to the SII web services detailed here:

The non-production web service I'm connecting to should be: (i.e. received invoices from the previous link). However, attempting to connect to that URL fails.

I've found a workaround where I can create a proxy using the URI: However, the generated proxy does not give me the actions I'd expected to see. Looking at the underlying WSDL it seems that there are multiple ports specified; some for production, another for test. I want to ensure that I only connect to the test service.


How do I ensure that I only connect to the test service?

i.e. For WSDL: do I ensure I only connect to port SuministroFactEmitidasPruebas?

My Code At Present

$uri = ''
$certificate = Get-Item -Path 'Cert:\CurrentUser\My\ABCDEF1234567890' #i.e. this points to the certificate in my certificate store using the thumbprint of the SII certificate
$proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $uri 
$proxy.AllowAutoRedirect = $true

This works & shows the available operations, but gives no indication on how I'd select only the TEST (SuministroFactEmitidasPruebas) port.


There are 1 answers

Adam On

I thought you could specify a service's port through the class attribute:

$url = ""
$proxy = New-WebServiceProxy `
  -Uri $url `
  -namespace ... `
  -Class SuministroFactEmitidasPruebas

Otherwise, I think it chooses the first port, but don't quote me on that. Hope that helps.