I would like to calculate targets for opened rates and clicked rates based on actuals of the last month and the same month last year. My table is aggregated at daily level and I have grouped it by month and year to get the monthly averages. I have then created a self-join to join my current dates on the results of the previous months. This works fine for all months except for January because SQL can't know that it's supposed to join 1 on 12. Is there a way to specify this in my join clause?
Essentially, the results for January 2021 shouldn't be null because I have December 2020 data.
This is my data and my query:
CREATE TABLE exasol_last_year_avg(
date_col date,
country text,
brand text,
category text,
delivered integer,
opened integer,
clicked integer
INSERT INTO exasol_last_year_avg
(date_col,country,brand,category,delivered,opened,clicked) VALUES
This is written in PostgresSQL because I think it's more accessible to most people, but my production database is Exasol!
select *
(Select month_col,
(t2_clicktoopenrate + t3_clicktoopenrate)/2 as target_clicktoopenrate,
(t2_openrate + t3_openrate)/2 as target_openrate
from (
with CTE as (
select extract(month from date_col) as month_col,
extract(year from date_col) as year_col,
category as t_campaign_cmcategory,
country as t_country,
brand as t_brand,
round(sum(opened)/nullif(sum(delivered),0),3) as OpenRate,
round(sum(clicked)/nullif(sum(opened),0),3) as ClickToOpenRate
from public.exasol_last_year_avg
group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
select t1.month_col,
t2.month_col as t2_month_col,
t2.year_col as t2_year_col,
t3.month_col as t3_month_col,
t3.year_col as t3_year_col,
t2.OpenRate as t2_OpenRate,
t2.ClickToOpenRate as t2_ClickToOpenRate,
t3.OpenRate as t3_OpenRate,
t3.ClickToOpenRate as t3_ClickToOpenRate
from CTE t1
left join CTE t2
on t1.month_col = t2.month_col + 1
and t1.year_col = t2.year_col
and t1.t_campaign_cmcategory = t2.t_campaign_cmcategory
and t1.t_country = t2.t_country
and t1.t_brand = t2.t_brand
left join CTE t3
on t1.month_col = t3.month_col
and t1.year_col = t3.year_col + 1
and t1.t_campaign_cmcategory = t3.t_campaign_cmcategory
and t1.t_country = t3.t_country
and t1.t_brand = t3.t_brand) as target_base) as final_tbl
Start with an aggregation query:
Then, use window functions. Assuming you have a value for every month (with no gaps). you can just use
. I'm not sure what your final calculation is, but this brings in the data: