I am trying to find the length between start and finish locations. So, which packages and function I should apply.
This is what the sample looks like:
# A tibble: 10 x 5
trip_id start_location end_location start_time end_time
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 13.6753,100.63453 13.65828,100.71631 00:05:24 00:41:14
2 2 13.66348,100.71868 13.65258,100.71571 03:49:54 03:57:52
3 3 13.63345,100.71102 13.63349,100.71096 04:14:52 04:53:52
4 4 13.59653,100.70172 13.63433,100.71101 05:01:52 05:36:52
5 5 13.57542,100.79453 13.59612,100.74922 05:57:11 06:15:52
6 6 13.60123,100.71091 13.63241,100.71297 06:21:52 06:33:52
7 7 13.60388,100.70617 13.60567,100.71292 06:43:32 06:58:52
8 43456 13.94582,100.735 13.95905,100.62037 19:28:51 20:28:30
9 43457 14.01229,100.66908 13.98712,100.61631 20:58:30 21:23:30
10 43458 13.79245,100.70217 13.90366,100.66788 22:09:30 22:40:30
my.df <- structure(list(trip_id = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 43456L,43457L, 43458L), start_location = c("13.6753,100.63453", "13.66348,100.71868","13.63345,100.71102", "13.59653,100.70172", "13.57542,100.79453","13.60123,100.71091", "13.60388,100.70617", "13.94582,100.735","14.01229,100.66908", "13.79245,100.70217"), end_location = c("13.65828,100.71631","13.65258,100.71571", "13.63349,100.71096", "13.63433,100.71101","13.59612,100.74922", "13.63241,100.71297", "13.60567,100.71292","13.95905,100.62037", "13.98712,100.61631", "13.90366,100.66788"), start_time = c("00:05:24", "03:49:54", "04:14:52", "05:01:52","05:57:11", "06:21:52", "06:43:32", "19:28:51", "20:58:30", "22:09:30"), end_time = c("00:41:14", "03:57:52", "04:53:52", "05:36:52","06:15:52", "06:33:52", "06:58:52", "20:28:30", "21:23:30", "22:40:30")), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
As my question is how can I calculate the length between start_location and end_location columns which are lat-long coordinates.
And my expected output is;
trip_id start_location end_location start_time end_time length (in meters)
1 1 13.6753,100.63453 13.65828,100.71631 00:05:24 00:41:14 120
2 2 13.66348,100.71868 13.65258,100.71571 03:49:54 03:57:52 500
3 3 13.63345,100.71102 13.63349,100.71096 04:14:52 04:53:52 480
4 4 13.59653,100.70172 13.63433,100.71101 05:01:52 05:36:52 7000
5 5 13.57542,100.79453 13.59612,100.74922 05:57:11 06:15:52 1563
6 6 13.60123,100.71091 13.63241,100.71297 06:21:52 06:33:52 7892
7 7 13.60388,100.70617 13.60567,100.71292 06:43:32 06:58:52 200
8 43456 13.94582,100.735 13.95905,100.62037 19:28:51 20:28:30 5863
9 43457 14.01229,100.66908 13.98712,100.61631 20:58:30 21:23:30 1478
10 43458 13.79245,100.70217 13.90366,100.66788 22:09:30 22:40:30 2348
So, any packages can be used?
Thank you in advance.
Do this. Actually your coordinate vectors should be reversed before calculating geographical distance, because
takes vector as longitude and latitude order. I have modified the two coordinates columns as list cols for sake of simplicity.As per comments below, the following syntax will not coerce original lat/long columns to change
Or alternatively
You may also convert the list col back to character type as desired