How to calculate Mean Opinion Score (MOS) to measure the quality of WebRTC calls without knowing the Round Trip Time (RTT) of the inbound RTP stream?

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WebRTC inbound RTP stream (inbound-rtp) does not return Round Trip Time (RTT), but it is required to to calculate Mean Opinion Score (MOS). Any suggestions?

Is is safe to assume asymmetric latency and take the RTT for inbound-rtp same as RTT of corresponding outbound-rtp?

Sample inbound RTP stream


There are 1 answers

coder3000 On

inbound-rtp doesn't, but candidate-pair from same report does

    pc.getReceivers()[1].getStats().then(res => {
      res.forEach(report=> {
        if (report.type === 'candidate-pair') {
          rtp = report.currentRoundTripTime;