How to calculate employees working hours in sql

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My company business hour is 7:30 to 18 and 13:00 to 15:00 is lunch time. Important part is about lunch time that should not calculate as working time of employee at all.

  • So imagine employee start working at 8:30 and exit at 15:00 so the time of 4:30 hours should be calculate for him. actually I want to remove lunch time from attendance time of employee in different situations:

enter image description here

My fields are all in Time(7) format in Sql.


There are 4 answers


This is one approach in SQL Server. It fundamentally splits each person's shift into two - Pre-Lunch and Post-Lunch. When a shift goes into (or past) lunch, it uses the lunch times as the bounds instead.

I've also written it in bits (e.g., CTE, sub-query, etc) so you can run those individually to see what they do. It is likely you'll need to update it for your own database structures etc.

-- Data setup

CREATE TABLE #WorkLog (WorkDate date, StartTime time, EndTime time, StartLunch time, EndLunch time)

INSERT INTO #WorkLog (WorkDate, StartTime, EndTime, StartLunch, EndLunch) VALUES
('2020-09-01', '07:30', '18:00', '13:00', '15:00'),
('2020-09-02', '12:00', '15:00', '13:00', '15:00'),
('2020-09-03', '15:00', '18:00', '13:00', '15:00'),
('2020-09-04', '08:30', '15:00', '13:00', '15:00')



-- Find times worked

; WITH PreLunchTimes AS
        (SELECT WorkDate,
                StartTime AS StartTime,
                CASE WHEN EndTime < StartLunch THEN EndTime ELSE StartLunch END AS EndTime
        FROM    #WorkLog
        WHERE   StartTime < StartLunch
    PostLunchTimes AS
        (SELECT WorkDate,
                CASE WHEN StartTime > EndLunch THEN StartTime ELSE EndLunch END AS StartTime,
                EndTime AS EndTime
        FROM    #WorkLog
        WHERE   EndTime > EndLunch
SELECT  WorkDate, SUM(Elapsed_Mins) AS Total_Work_Mins, CAST(DATEADD(minute, SUM(Elapsed_Mins), 0) AS time) AS Total_work_time
FROM   (SELECT  WorkDate, DATEDIFF(minute, StartTime, EndTime) AS Elapsed_Mins
        FROM    PreLunchTimes
            UNION ALL
        SELECT  WorkDate, DATEDIFF(minute, StartTime, EndTime) AS Elapsed_Mins
        FROM    PostLunchTimes
        ) AS A

Here's a db<>fiddle


  • If you have shifts go past midnight, you'll need to add in appropriate code to deal with that.
  • If all lunchtimes are 13:00 to 15:00, then you can just set these as variables (e.g., @LunchStart and @LunchEnd) rather than storing them in the data.
Harald Coppoolse On

Alas you forgot to give us the structure of you database table. Are your EnterTime and ExitTime full DateTimes, or do you have a WorkDay, and a TimeOfDay on that day where the Employee Starts and Stops working?

Besides that you forgot to give us your table structure, I don't know how you communicate with your database, whether you use entity framework, or talk traditional SQL, and which SQL dialect you speak. Some dialects have the possibility to do DateTime calculations, others don't.

The comment of MadReflection is wise: if you can change your database, consider to remember the start and stop DateTime of the shift before lunch and the start / stop DateTime of the shift after lunch. This way you are prepared for future changes like different lunch times per Employee, or even per day of the Employee. If you think in DateTime for Enter and Exit, you can even let an Employee start working on New Year's eve and stop working in a different year.

Luckily, you don't have to let the DataBase calculate the lunchTime, because you can do the lunch time calculations locally. This is faster than letting the database management system calculate them and transfer the results from the DBMS to your local process.

Locally the lunch time calculations will just a subtraction of two longs, which is way faster than the code needed to transfer the data.

So we can't give you the SQL. You'll have to write the procedure to fetch the data yourself.

You'll need a method to fetch the EnterTime / ExitTime per Employee during a period of time, or maybe for all Employees. The result is something like:

class WorkingTimes
     public EmployeeInformation Employee {get; set;}

     public DateTime EnterTime {get; set;}
     public DateTime ExitTime {get; set;}

And methods to get this information per employee, or for all employees:

IEnumerable<WorkingTimes> FetchWorkingTimes(DateTime beginPeriod, DateTime endPeriod)

IEnumerable<WorkingTimes> FetchWorkingTimes(int employeeId, 
     DateTime beginPeriod, DateTime endPeriod)

To convert the fetched data in the format that you want, a simple LINQ method will do:

class WorkingTimeExt
    // TODO: if needed: add employee information

    public System.DayOfWeek DayOfWeek => this.EnterTime.DayOfWeek;
    public DateTime EnterTime {get; set;}
    public DateTime ExitTime {get; set;}

    public DateTime StartLunch {get; set;}
    public DateTime StopLunch {get; set;}
    public string Lunch => String.Format("...", this.StartLunch, this.StopLunch);

    public TimeSpan WorkingTime => this.StartLunch - this.EnterTime
                                 + this.ExitTime - this.StopLunch;

The calculation of WorkingTime is fast, it is the addition of some longs.

TimeSpan defaultLunchStart = TimeSpan.FromHours(13.00);
TimeSpan defaultLunchEnd = TimeSpan.FromHours(15.00);

IEnumerable<WorkingTimes> fetchedWorkingTimes = ...
IEnumerable<WorkingTimesExt> result = fetchedWorkingTimes
    .Select(fetchedTimes => new WorkingTimesExt
         EnterTime = fetchedWorkingTimes.EnterTime,
         ExitTime = fetchedWorkingTimes.ExitTime,
         StartLunchTime = fetchedWorkingTime.EnterTime.Date + defaultLunchStart,
         StopLunchTime = fetchedWorkingTime.ExitTime.Data + defaultLunchStop,

If you need to do this regularly, consider to create an extension method for it:

IEnumerable<WorkingTimesExt> result = ToExtendedWorkingTimes(
     this IEnumerable<WorkingTimes> source,
     TimeSpan timeLunchStart,
     TimeSpan timeLunchStop)
    return source.Select(fetchedTimes => new WorkingTimesExt
         EnterTime = fetchedWorkingTimes.EnterTime,
         ExitTime = fetchedWorkingTimes.ExitTime,
         StartLunchTime = fetchedWorkingTime.EnterTime.Date + timeLunchStart,
         StopLunchTime = fetchedWorkingTime.ExitTime.Data + timeLunchStop,
Husain Songadhwala On

I am posting this code to solve your problem

TimeSpan? ActualTime = obj.ExitTime - obj.EnterTime;
string[] LunchTime = obj.lunchTimeString.Split('-');
TimeSpan ActualLunchTime = TimeSpan.Parse(LunchTime[1].Trim()) - TimeSpan.Parse(LunchTime[0].Trim());
TimeSpan WorkingHours = TimeSpan.Parse(ActualTime.ToString().Trim()) - TimeSpan.Parse(ActualLunchTime.ToString().Trim());

In this code what I have done is:

  1. You have to calculate the actual time including lunch time.
  2. Your 2nd problem is lunch time it's format is (13:00 - 15:00). So, I can't take time(7) in sql so take it as varchar and then split it with '-'.
  3. Then calculate the total lunch time with it.
  4. Lastly subtract actual time and actual lunch time you will get your working hours.
user9601310 On

Another worked option with time worked converted to HH:MM format:

CREATE TABLE t1 (dow VARCHAR(10), workstart TIME, workend TIME);
('Monday', '7:30', '18:00'),
('Tuesday', '12:00', '15:00'),
('Wednesday', '15:00', '18:00'),
('Thursday', '8:30', '15:00');

lunch(lunchstart, lunchend) AS (
attendances AS (
CASE WHEN workstart <= lunchstart THEN
     CASE WHEN workend <= lunchstart THEN
          DATEDIFF(minute, workstart, workend)
          DATEDIFF(minute, workstart, lunchstart)
ELSE 0 END --AS morning_shift
CASE WHEN workend >= lunchend THEN
     CASE WHEN workstart >= lunchend THEN
          DATEDIFF(minute, workstart, workend)
          DATEDIFF(minute, lunchend, workend)
ELSE 0 END --AS afternoon_shift 
AS total_mins 
FROM t1, lunch
SELECT *, FORMAT(total_mins / 60 * 100 + total_mins % 60, '#:0#') AS hhmm 
FROM attendances;