How to bulk change more than 500 issues on SonarQube 6.x?

2.1k views Asked by At

Some bulks needed have over 100K issues.

Is there a way to bulk change more than the 500 issues in SonarQube 6.x?

The UI certainly does not allow to customize this. Where can I find the parameter/code/table in the database needed to change the 500 value ?


There are 1 answers

Julien L. - SonarSource Team On BEST ANSWER

It's not possible to do a bulk change of more than 500 issues, but you can update more than 500 using web services :

  1. Get list of issues using api/issues/search?p=1&ps=500
  2. Do the bulk change using api/issues/bulk_change?issues=ISSUE1,ISSUE2,... on found issues.

Repeat these 2 steps updating the p parameter of api/issues/search each time.