I have a Flow in MULE like below :
<flow name="MetaService">
<http:inbound-endpoint address="http://localhost:8000/jcore/meta"
transformer-refs="HttpParams" responseTransformer-refs="JavaObjectToJson">
<component class = "com.java.Meta">
<component class = "com.java.Meta2"
This flow first enters my first component class : "com.java.Meta" . And whatever i "return" from this java class becomes the input for my second component class : "com.java.Meta2".
Now what i want to do is like :
I want to check for something in "payload" in class "Meta" and if it does not exist, then i want to return a Java HashMap to client (in form of JSON) containing the error key.
And if it exist, then i want to return the same "payload" to second component class "Meta2".
How can i achieve this..??
Wrap your second component in a choice router, returning the current message its map payload contains the "error" key.
You can use a Groovy expression: