How to avoid scentific notation in Saiku Attribute

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I define saiku(3.8) schema as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Schema name="Zeus Offline Data" metamodelVersion='4.0'>    
<Table name="ZEUS_OFFLINE_DATA">            
        <Column name='FB_ACCOUNT_ID'/>          
<Cube name="OfflineData">   
    <Dimension name="AdAccount" table="ZEUS_OFFLINE_DATA">              
            <Attribute name="account_id" keyColumn="FB_ACCOUNT_ID" hasHierarchy="true"/>            
    <Dimension name="BM" table="ZEUS_OFFLINE_DATA"> 
            <Attribute name="bm_id" keyColumn="BM_ID" hasHierarchy="true"/>             
    <MeasureGroup name="Stats" table="ZEUS_OFFLINE_DATA">               
            <Measure name="clicks" column="CLICKS" aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###"/>
            <FactLink dimension="AdAccount"/>                   
            <FactLink dimension="BM"/>  

It contains two dimension "bm_id" and "fb_account_id", and one measure "clicks".In database backend, bm_id and fb_account_id are int type. When I make query in Saiku, the result of bm_id and fb_account_id are shown in scientific notation mode, which I don't want.


bm_id    clicks
1.71141391154125E14  1,091,234

Which I want:

171141391154125    1,091,234

I don't know which attribute should be changed for that, any help appreaciated



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