How to avoid mutual left-recursion in ANTLR 4

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I am writing a grammar to handle scalar and vector expressions. The grammar below is simplified to show the problem I have where a scalar expression can be derived from a vector and a vector can be derived from a scalar. For example, a vector could be a literal [1, 2, 3] or the product of a scalar and a vector 2 * [1, 2, 3] (equivalent to [2, 4, 6]). A scalar could be a literal 2 or an index into a vector [1, 2, 3][1] (equivalent to 2).

grammar LeftRecursion;

    : [0-9]+

    : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip

    : expression EOF;

    : scalar
    | vector

    : Integer
    | vector '[' Integer ']'

    : '[' Integer ',' Integer ',' Integer ']'
    | scalar '*' vector

ANTLR4 gives me the error: The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive [scalar, vector]. This makes sense because scalar references vector and vice-versa, but at the same time it should be deterministic.

How would I refactor this grammar to avoid the mutual (indirect) left-recursion? I could expand one of the terms inplace, but that would introduce a lot of duplication in the full grammar where there are more alternatives for vector and scalar. I could also refactor the grammar to have a primary expression, but I don't want to allow scalar '*' scalar as a valid vector alternative. Are there other options?


There are 2 answers

claj On
    : Integer
    | vector '[' Integer ']'

    : '[' Integer ',' Integer ',' Integer ']'
    | scalar '*' vector

gives that you could write an expressions

[i,i,i][i] * [i,i,i][i] * ... * [i,i,i]

which would render a stack overflow of the parser for java and other languages with limited stack-depth.

I think you should create a different grammatical rule for vector-lookups, it's not a scalar, it just results in a scalar, but this should be handled in the parser tree handling, not in ANTLR.

Bart Kiers On

AFAIK, there is no way around it but to expand to eliminate the indirect recursive rule:

    : scalar
    | vector

    : '[' Integer ',' Integer ',' Integer ']' '[' Integer ']'
    | scalar '*' vector '[' Integer ']'
    | Integer

    : '[' Integer ',' Integer ',' Integer ']'
    | scalar '*' vector