I had a parser that worked well in Scala Packrat parser combinators. I would like to try something faster with the Fastparse library. However, it cannot handle left-recursion infinite loops. Is there any standard way to cope with that?
sealed trait Expr
case class Num(value: java.lang.Number) extends Expr
case class Div(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr
def num[_: P] = P(CharIn("0-9").rep(1).!).map(n => Num(n.toInt))
def div[_: P] = P(expr ~ "/" ~ expr).map(Div.tupled)
def expr[_: P]: P[Expr] = P(div | num)
I don't know much about Fastparse, but I'll try to answer your question nevertheless. Right now, your grammar looks something like this:
So if you wanted to parse
as an expression, it would first try to matchdiv
. To do that, it would try to matchexpr
again, and basically go on infinitely. We can fix this by puttingnum
, as suggested in a comment above:Success! Or is it? Upon looking more closely at the result, you'll see that it's not a
Div(Num(1), Num(2))
but rather just aNum(1)
. To fix this, useEnd
And now it fails, saying it found "/2". It successfully matches
first, so it has no reason to think that that first number is part of a division operation. So we will have to usediv
after all, to make sure the bigger pattern is used, but something needs to be done to avoid recursion. We can refactor it like this:div
doesn't just match division, it can also match a single number, but it tries to match division when possible. In Scala, that would be:This way, we can match "1/2", "1/2/3", "1/2/3/4", etc.
Output for
parse("1/2/3/4", expr(_))
isParsed.Success(Div(Div(Div(Num(1),Num(2)),Num(3)),Num(4)), 7)