How to avoid error in do_prepare_recipe_sysroot stage?

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I have an error build my custom recipe with meta-tegra-community and ros2-galactic as following:

ERROR: xxx-xxxx-core-v0.1.3-unstable-r0 do_prepare_recipe_sysroot: The file /usr/lib/ is installed by both yaml-cpp-060 and yaml-cpp, aborting

This error would be because conflict installation of same header files of yaml.cpp during constructing recipe-sysroot for my custom recipe.

deepstream-6.2 recipe in the meta-tegra-community use yaml-cpp-060 and ros2 use yaml-cpp_0.6.2 at the same time.

tegra world and ros world is OK when they use their package in each work space. but, on my side, I have to use these two worlds on my custom recipe and it occur conflicting packages.

I tried to use BBMASK and change dependency in the deepstream-6.2 recipes to use yam-cpp_0.6.2, but, sub libraries of deepstream try to find yaml-cpp-060 complain not to find it and build is failed.

I hope to get a solution for my case. I think I would have to change ros use yaml-cpp-0606 instead of yaml-cpp_0.6.2 using ros. But, I am not familiar with ros.

Can you please give me correct way?

BR. Mark


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