How to avoid anemic data model? Can repositories be injected into entities?

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I have an immutable User entity:

public class User {
  final LocalDate lastPasswordChangeDate;
  // final id, name, email, etc.

I need to add a method that will return information if the user's password must be changed i.d. it has not been changed for more than the passwordValidIntervalInDays system setting.

The current approach:

public class UserPasswordService {
  private SettingsRepository settingsRepository;

  public UserPasswordService(SettingsRepository settingsRepository) {
    this.settingsRepository = settingsRepository;

  public boolean passwordMustBeChanged(User user) {
    return user.lastPasswordChangeDate.plusDays(

The question is how to make the above code more object oriented and avoid the anemic domain model antipattern? Should the passwordMustBeChanged method be moved to User if so how to access SettingsRepository, should it be injected into User's constructor, or should a Settings instance be provided to the ctor, or should the passwordMustBeChanged method require a Settings instance to be provided?

The code of Settings and SettingsRepository is not important, but for completness, here it is:

public class Settings {
  int passwordValidIntervalInDays;
  public Settings(int passwordValidIntervalInDays) {
    this.passwordValidIntervalInDays = passwordValidIntervalInDays;

public class SettingsRepository {
  public Settings get() {
    // load the settings from the persistent storage
    return new Settings(10);

There are 3 answers


For a system-wide password expiration policy your approach is not that bad, as long as your UserPasswordService is a domain service, not an application service. Embedding the password expiration policy within User would be a violation of the SRP IMHO, which is not much better.

You could also consider something like (where the factory was initialized with the correct settings):

PasswordExpirationPolicy policy = passwordExpirationPolicyFactory().createDefault();
boolean mustChangePassword = user.passwordMustBeChanged(policy);

//class User
public boolean passwordMustBeChanged(PasswordExpirationPolicy policy) {
    return policy.hasExpired(currentDate, this.lastPasswordChangeDate);

If eventually the policy can be specified for individual users then you can simply store policy objects on User.

You could also make use of the ISP with you current design and implement a PasswordExpirationPolicy interface on your UserPasswordService service. That will give you the flexibility of refactoring into real policy objects later on without having to change how the User interacts with the policy.

If you had a Password value object you may also make things slightly more cohesive, by having something like (the password creation date would be embedded in the password VO):

//class User
public boolean passwordMustBeChanged(PasswordExpirationPolicy policy) {
    return this.password.hasExpired(policy);
Marco On

just to throw out another possible solution would be to implement a long-running process that could do the expiration check and send a command to a PasswordExpiredHandler that could mark the user with having an expired password.

Adam Siemion On

I have stumbled upon a document that provides an answer to my question:

A common problem in applying DDD is when an entity requires access to data in a repository or other gateway in order to carry out a business operation. One solution is to inject repository dependencies directly into the entity, however this is often frowned upon. One reason for this is because it requires the plain-old-(C#, Java, etc…) objects implementing entities to be part of an application dependency graph. Another reason is that is makes reasoning about the behavior of entities more difficult since the Single-Responsibility Principle is violated. A better solution is to have an application service retrieve the information required by an entity, effectively setting up the execution environment, and provide it to the entity.