I am trying to delete a lot of rows from table storage that may or may not exist. The deal is I need to minimise I/O and maximise bandwidth so 1 hit to rule them all would be awesome. Problem is that if any of the batch entities doesn't exist the whole batch fails.
This also brings me to a design question - why doesn't the request simply return a deletion result with indication of which objects were not deleted due to 404. Why does it throw an exception? What is the reason for it.
More info
The batch size is within Table Storage constraint of 100 and they are all within the same partition.
You could PUT empty entities with the same PartitionKey and EntityKey before DELETEing them. This way you'll be sure you won't have 404 errors. It's two consistent calls for every batch instead of retrying many times and complicate the logic of your app. Not an ideal answer but we don't live in an ideal world :)