How to automatically name session in tmux?

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Provided I have a shell script to figure out name for an arbitrary Tmux session, how to configure Tmux to call it when creating new session (using both tmux new and :new-session) and use its output as a session name?


There are 3 answers

chepner On

You don't need any tmux-specific features for this on the command line, just plain vanilla command substitution in your shell. Assuming your script is called make-session-name:

tmux new-session -s "$(make-session-name)"

There may be a way to do something similar on the tmux command prompt, but I don't know it.

Madhav Prabhoo On

Building on the answer by chepner, if you are inside tmux then this works

new-session ; run-shell "tmux rename-session $(echo testsession)"

You can bind this command to a key, say N, for ease like below

bind N new-session -s "startname" \; run-shell "tmux rename-session $(echo testsession)>/dev/null" 

Replace 'echo testsession' with your command. During tests tmux did not allow the obvious 'run "tmux new -s $(echo testsession)"' and returns an error

dynabaul On

Here's a little script to create a tmux session, name the first window "home", create a 2nd window and name it "download", change it to the download directory and list it's contents, then open tmux attached to this session. This should show you what you're after.


tmux -2 new-session -d -s $SESSION

# Setup a window for home dir
tmux rename-window 'home'

# Setup a download window
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:1 -n 'download' 
tmux send-keys "cd /home/user/download; ls -lh" C-m

# Set default window
tmux select-window -t $SESSION:0

# Attach to session
tmux -2 attach-session -t $SESSION