I have a singleton class in my models directory and I have to use its function in Controller class. Doing it by require_once('file path'); and calling function as ClassName::FunctionName() works fine, but I need to use Zend Autoloader instead of including class through require_once. I came across number of solutions here on stackoverflow which used bootstrap.php in terms of adding following code there and it seems like doing the same as require_once('file path'); did in controller
protected function _initAutoload()
Going this way I get Fatal error: Class 'ClassName' not found in {path}\controllers\SampleController.php on {line no.} I am sure I am missing something but cant figure out what exactly.
Like user1145086 has rightly said, if you follow the naming convention of Zend, you class should be auto-loaded.
If you have a class, say AutoloadedClass, and you want it auto-loaded, you can do the following:
Write the following code in your Bootstrap's initAutoload class method: