When we paste the content in trix-editor the href not getting paste as simple text. How can we make it as a link.
var TrixAutoLinker, bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; addEventListener("trix-initialize", function(event) { return new TrixAutoLinker(event.target); }); TrixAutoLinker = (function() { var INPUT, PATTERN, isValidURL; function TrixAutoLinker(element) { this.element = element; this.autoLink = bind(this.autoLink, this); this.editor = this.element.editor; this.element.addEventListener("trix-render", this.autoLink); this.autoLink(); } TrixAutoLinker.prototype.autoLink = function() { var currentRange, i, len, range, ref, ref1, results1, url; ref = this.getURLsWithRanges(); results1 = []; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { ref1 = ref[i], url = ref1.url, range = ref1.range; if (this.getHrefAtRange(range) !== url) { currentRange = this.editor.getSelectedRange(); this.editor.setSelectedRange(range); if (this.editor.canActivateAttribute("href")) { this.editor.activateAttribute("href", url); } results1.push(this.editor.setSelectedRange(currentRange)); } else { results1.push(void 0); } } return results1; }; TrixAutoLinker.prototype.getDocument = function() { return this.editor.getDocument(); }; TrixAutoLinker.prototype.getDocumentString = function() { return this.getDocument().toString(); }; TrixAutoLinker.prototype.getHrefAtRange = function(range) { return this.getDocument().getCommonAttributesAtRange(range).href; }; PATTERN = /(https?:\/\/\S+\.\S+)\s/ig; TrixAutoLinker.prototype.getURLsWithRanges = function() { var match, position, range, results, string, url; results = []; string = this.getDocumentString(); while (match = PATTERN.exec(string)) { url = match[1]; if (isValidURL(url)) { position = match.index; range = [position, position + url.length]; results.push({ url: url, range: range }); } } return results; }; INPUT = document.createElement("input"); INPUT.type = "url"; INPUT.required = true; isValidURL = function(value) { INPUT.value = value; return INPUT.checkValidity(); }; return TrixAutoLinker; })(); // --- // generated by coffee-script 1.9.2