How to attach a Screenshot in ReportNG Test

3.2k views Asked by At

I need some help attaching a screenshot for failure test cases in ReportNG. Can some one explain me how exactly this is done. I'm new to Selenium and Java. I am using Maven as a build tool.


There are 3 answers

Akbar On

Once you have taken a screenshot and stored at some location, you can insert it as a link in the test report as the testng report is a html document.

Reporter.log("<a href=" + URL+ ">click to open screenshot</a>");

URL - location on either local or network drive

Rajesh Om On

You can use below script and call the method in every class where ever you required.

 public void screenCapture() throws IOException{
          System.setProperty("org.uncommons.reportng.escape-output", "false");
          File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
          String Path = "E:\\Automation\\testproject\\Screenshots\\";
          File screenshotName = new File(Path +driver.getTitle()+".png");
          //Now add screenshot to results by copying the file
          FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, screenshotName);
          Reporter.log("<br>  <img src='"+screenshotName+"' height='100' width='100' /><br>");
          Reporter.log("<a href="+screenshotName+"></a>");

abhijeetpahilwan On

@Cagy79 set this system property and you will be able to create link in ReportNG.

System.setProperty("org.uncommons.reportng.escape-output", "false");