[What I want to do]

  1. use danfo.js to read a csv file from a url
  2. assign the danfo.js DataFrame (similar to that in pandas) as created above to a global variable, so that I can use it somewhere else for other purpose, such as plotting charts.

[What I did] I created an async function to read the csv file:

const url =

async function readCSV(url) {
    try {
        const df = await dfd.readCSV(url);

        console.log("df describe: ");
        df.describe().print(); // print df describe as a table

    } catch (error) {


[What's the issue] It seems that the DataFrame created from reading the csv file can only be used inside this async function.

[My question] How to get the DataFrame out of the async function and assign it to a global variable?

[What I tried] I also tried the following by adding a return in the readCSV function. But this seems cumbersome because every time I want to use the DataFrame, I have to call the function to read the csv again.

async function readCSV(url) {
    try {
        const df = await dfd.readCSV(url);
        return df;
    } catch (error) {

readCSV(url).then((df) => {
    console.log("df head: ");

[reference I read] How to return values from async functions using async-await from function? How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?


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