How to assign a same number of business day as Monday to weekend days

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I have a date dimension table where i need to add NumberofBusinessDay column which will tell me the number of business day it is. For example:

Date        WeekendFlag  BusinessDayFlag  **NumberofBusinessDay** 
01/01/2015  N            N                0
01/02/2015  N            Y                1
01/03/2015  Y            N                2
01/04/2015  Y            N                2
01/05/2015  N            Y                2

I have assigned the number of business days to the weekdays but I am struggling with assigning a number to a weekend day which will be the same as following business day - Monday (in case Monday is a holiday, it will be Tuesday), as shown in above table. Here it what I have so far:

Date        WeekendFlag  BusinessDayFlag  **NumberofBusinessDay** 
01/01/2015  N            N                0
01/02/2015  N            Y                1
01/03/2015  Y            N                NULL
01/04/2015  Y            N                NULL
01/05/2015  N            Y                2 

Any kind of help would be appreciated

My query for assigning BusinessDays for weekdays (only 2015 data):

SELECT Date, WeekendFlag, BusinessDayFlag
       ,NumberofBusinessDay = CASE WHEN WeekendFlag = 'N' THEN 
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition BY YearCode, MonthCode ORDER BY WeekendFlag, Date ASC) 
INTO #test
FROM DimDate
WHERE Date between '01/01/2015' AND '12/31/2015' --for testing purposes only

Just an FYI - purpose for accounting weekends as business days is because we don't want to miss any activities that happens during weekend (its a possibility) and we want to count those actitivies in the next business day.


There are 2 answers


check with below sql

---- below code will crete table for businessday calculation
create table dimension  (calenderdate date,WeekendFlag  char(1) ,BusinessDayFlag   char(1),NumberofBusinessDay int)

declare  @yearstartdate date
declare  @yearenddate date

SELECT   @yearstartdate = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0) 
SELECT   @yearenddate =DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()) + 1, -1)

while datediff (dd,@yearstartdate,DATEADD(DD,1,@yearenddate)) <>0
 insert into dimension 
 select @yearstartdate ,
 case when datename(DW,@yearstartdate) = 'SUNDAY' or datename(DW,@yearstartdate) = 'SATURDAY'
 then 'Y' else 'N' end,
 case when datename(DW,@yearstartdate) = 'SUNDAY' or datename(DW,@yearstartdate) = 'SATURDAY'
 then 'N' else 'Y' end,

 set @yearstartdate = dateadd(dd,1,@yearstartdate)
-----verify table
SELECT * FROM dimension 

-----calculate NumberofBusinessDay number  from below code

;with ctebusinessday
 select calenderdate,
case when BusinessDayFlag = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end
   ) over (order by calenderdate) as NOfBusinessDay
   from dimension 
update b
set b.NumberofBusinessDay =c.NOfBusinessDay
from dimension  b join ctebusinessday c
on b.calenderdate = c.calenderdate
update dimension 
set NumberofBusinessDay = NumberofBusinessDay + 1
where weekendflag = 'Y'
--verify table
select * from dimension

you can update any date as businessday or weekend day and calculate NumberofBusinessDay from NumberofBusinessDay calculation code part . i marked only saturaday as weekend day and populated table


Gordon Linoff On

In SQL Server 2012+, you can do this with a cumulative sum:

select dd.*,
       sum(case when BusinessDayFlag = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by date) as NumberOfBusinessDay
from DateDimension;

You can put this in an update as:

with toupdate as (
      select dd.*,
             sum(case when BusinessDayFlag = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by date) as newNumberOfBusinessDay
      from DateDimension
update toupdate
    set NumberOfBusinessDay = newNumberOfBusinessDay;

In earlier versions of SQL Server, you can do something similar using cross apply.


Based on your sample data, your seem to be counting the number of weekdays, not business days. If so, the above is just using the wrong variable:

with toupdate as (
      select dd.*,
             sum(case when WeekEndFlag = 'N' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by date) as newNumberOfBusinessDay
      from DateDimension
update toupdate
    set NumberOfBusinessDay = newNumberOfBusinessDay;

This is based on your sample results. Note that this is probably off-by-1, so you should subtract 1. From the description, though, I don' understand why the first row has a value of 0 and not 1.