How to ask Dev-Containers plugin of VSCode to use `sudo docker`?

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I tried to use the Dev-Containers form VSCode to connect to my containers in a remote Linux Server. For security reason we cannot create a docker user group since the docker group grants root-level privileges to the user, but I can run the docker command with sudo.

Is there a way to tell Dev-Containers to use sudo for docker commands? Otherwise it gives me the error: "Current user does not have permission to run 'docker'." when trying to attach an existing container.

I tried to search the issues and questions on github and stackoverflow but did not successfully find a solution.


There are 1 answers


You can use the dev.containers.dockerPath setting to specify an alternate executable to use for the docker binary.

But since you can only specify an executable and not a commandline with it you would need to write a small wrapper script like


sudo docker "$@"

and then use it with:

   // ...
   "dev.containers.dockerPath": "/path/to/"