how to apply shopping cart price rule for registered member to a guest users cart

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  • Price rule is defined for both specialgroup and guest lets say 3% on 10 or more products.
  • pricing for product A for specialgroup is 10 and for guest is 12 (tier pricing)
  • Special checkout rules based on product quantity and specialgroup/guest (my custom ship module)
  • Added a special product(virtual product added) which when added to cart makes guest register for specialgroup
  • problem is i dont want to do checkout twice once for buying that special product and then the products that i need to buy with discounted price.
  • tried to find a way to activate these rules setup for specialgroup for guest if they are adding that special product to buy membership.
  • i hope its clear now.

As I mentioned its Group Price that are set at backend and those are not percentage based. So if some one is currently guest but will become member after purchasing membership we want lowered cart price for each item. I solved this by adding cart update and add observers. In these observers I edited the base price of each item in the cart. SO I check if that membership product is in cart and apply membership price of each product. The shopping cart rule now works on lowered price in the cart and holds well. So both rule work.


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