In nvim, using LSP, i want to be able to apply a 'fix all of the same type' similar to what can be done in VSCode (see picture). How would one go about adding this to LSP code actions?
Edit: I know this can be done using COC. But i want it for LSP.
It depends on the language server you are using, in my current NeoVim configuration I'm running both ESLint and tsserver and with a default configuration of ESLint in my root of my project, I get these types of code action.
Assuming you are using lspconfig plugin you need to make sure you have the server configured :
It depends on the language server you are using, in my current NeoVim configuration I'm running both ESLint and tsserver and with a default configuration of ESLint in my root of my project, I get these types of code action.
Assuming you are using lspconfig plugin you need to make sure you have the server configured :
You can then run in neovim :
:lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()
in command mode (n
)You need both LSP installed manually
Ref :
N.B. You should probably add your keymap related to LSP in the on_attach callback