How to apply ConvertColor function to RGB values listed in a data.table in R

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I'm running an experiment where I need to compare the consistency of RGB values selected from two different time points. To do this, I need to convert RGB to XYZ values which I know I can do using ConvertColor.

However! I can't figure out an efficient way of being able to convert multiple RGB values stored in data.table into XYZ using ConvertColor. I have a feeling the problem lies in the fact that I can't figure out how to store RGB values as numeric values rather than characters.

My data.table named syn_RGB will be set out as follows:

ID Grapheme RGB_1 RGB_2
S01 A (37, 13, 219) (39, 23, 211)
S01 B (50, 3, 19) (40, 23, 11)
S02 A (43, 57, 89) (50, 50, 78)
S02 B (48, 59, 199) (50, 63, 178)
S03 A (100, 123, 209) (89, 112, 200)
S03 B (89, 120, 199) (87, 119, 175)

RGB_1 is the RGB given for the first time, RGB_2 the RGB given the second time.

This is what I've tried so far:

syn_XYZ <- synRGB(,. (s_xyz = convertColor(RGB_1, from = "sRGB", to = "XYZ", clip = TRUE)), by =. (ID, Grapheme)]

Here I'm trying to convert all the RGB values listed in RGB_1 into XYZ values for each participant and each grapheme and store them in syn_XYZ.

I've tried converting the RGB values from characters to numeric using as.numeric and strtoi but it doesn't work as you can imagine.

I'm still relatively new to programming so if there's a far more efficient way than trying to do it like this, I would be very appreciative since this is the only way I can think of how to do it.



There are 1 answers

r2evans On

I don't think data.table has anything "efficient" for this, it's just a handling of a string vector. As clunky as it looks, this works:, c(asplit(, lapply(regmatches(syn_RGB$RGB_1, gregexpr("\\d+", syn_RGB$RGB_1)), as.integer)), 2), list(maxColorValue = 255)))
# [1] "#250DDB" "#320313" "#2B3959" "#303BC7" "#647BD1" "#5978C7"

Walk through, mostly inside-out:

  • regmatches(., gregexpr("\\d+", .)) extracts things that look like numbers into individual numbers; i.e., "(37, 13, 219)" is converted into c("37", "13", "219"); this returns a list with the same length as nrow(syn_RGB)
  • lapply(., as.integer) converts the list of strings into a list of integer; e.g., list(c("37", "13", "219"), c("52", "3", "19"), ...) into list(c(37, 13, 219), c(52, 3, 19), ...).
  • We start with (effectively) a list of "R, G, B" values, but to programmatically use that with another function, it would help to have a list with all Rs, all Gs, and all Bs in respective vectors; to do that,, .) converts that list of vectors into a matrix, and then asplit(., 2) converts it to a list of columns as we need.
  •, .) calls the rgb function (once) with each of the three values of the asplit(., 2) list as its arguments, adding the argument of list(maxColorValue=255) (since rgb normally wants its values to be on [0,1]).