How to append the output of a function in a normal mapping command

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I have this mapping in vim

map f :Ag --ignore node_modules

I would like to append the result of the 'getcwd()' at the end of the command.

Something like (not working, but gives the idea):

map f :Ag --ignore node_modules :call getcwd()

So the command in vim would look like

:Ag --ignore node_modules ~/project

More context

I am using The silver search through vim using ag.vim. I want to have a normal mode mapping that specify the current working directory in the ag command.

Thank you. JF


There are 3 answers



nnoremap <expr> f ':Ag blahblah '. getcwd()

if you don't provide the directory, ag will take current directory, the same as getcwd() right?

Ingo Karkat On

Vim's evaluation rules are different than most programming languages. You need to use :execute in order to evaluate a variable; otherwise, it's taken literally; i.e. Vim uses the variable name itself as the argument.

nnoremap f :execute 'Ag blahblah ' . getcwd()<CR>

This is an alternative to @Kent's use of <expr>.

PS: You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.

Peter Rincker On

Yet another way is to use the expression register via <c-r>= to execute the expression, getcwd()

nnoremap <leader>f :Ag blahblah <c-r>=getcwd()<cr><c-b><s-right><s-right>><space>''<left>

I added the parts after the <cr> to insert single quotes after blahblah and put the cursor in between them.

Note: Don't overshadow the f command. It is very handy. See :h f. Look into use leader. See :h mapleader

For more help see:

:h c_ctrl-r
:h "=
:h c_ctrl-b
:h c_<s-right>