I'm writing an AngularJS component and I was wondering what's the correct way to add ngdoc annotation both to the component itself and to the controller function.
Do you have any examples?
I'm writing an AngularJS component and I was wondering what's the correct way to add ngdoc annotation both to the component itself and to the controller function.
Do you have any examples?
As far as I know, you can't document components
with the main version of ng-doc
Serenity-Frontstack has made a fork of ng-doc and support Angular components:
* @ngdoc component
* @name app.component:guideItem
* @description
* This component shows cards using the item binding for his own building.
* @param {object} item A object with card data
Here you have an example:
* @this vm
* @ngdoc controller
* @name dragDropRelation.controller:draggableItemController
* @description
* Controller for the draggableItem component
export default function draggableItemController() {
import controller from './controller.js';
import templateUrl from './view.html';
* @ngdoc component
* @name dragDropRelation.component:draggableItem
* @description
* Component that allows to be dragged containing some data.
* @param {Boolean} used Used flag
* @param {String} text Text to display
* @param {Object} data Data to be saved
* @param {Boolean} disabled variable to disable the component
export const component = {
templateUrl: templateUrl,
controller: controller,
bindings: {
used: '<?',
text: '<',
data: '<',
disabled: '<?',
import angular from 'angular';
import angularDragDrop from 'angular-drag-drop';
import {component} from './component.js';
* @ngdoc overview
* @name dragDropRelation.module:draggableItem
* @description
* Module that contains the component draggableItem
* @example
* <b>script.js</b>
* <pre>
* import draggableItem from
* './components/drag-drop-relation/draggable-item/module'
* angular.module('myModule', [draggableItem]);
* </pre>
export default angular
.module('draggableItem', [angularDragDrop])
.component('draggableItem', component)
this will generate something like this (using gulp-ngdocs):
You should use
@ngdoc overview
for the module definition. And@ngdoc controller
for controller,@ngdoc service
for services.Module