I develop an UMDF2.0 driver using VS2019. Inside this driver I need to communicate with an BLE device. I have to use BluetoothLEDevice class to do this. This is a WinRT Api. I'm completely lost on how to call C++/WinRT from my driver. Does anyone have experienced this situation ?
Thank a lot for your great support,
I use the following simple test code in new cpp file into umdf2 sample project:
#include <windows.devices.h>
#include <windows.devices.bluetooth.h>
#include <windows.devices.bluetooth.genericattributeprofile.h>
using namespace ABI::Windows::Devices::Bluetooth;
void testBle()
BluetoothLEDevice dev;
I have the following error :
Error C2079 'dev' uses a class of 'ABI::Windows::Devices::Bluetooth::BluetoothLEDevice' not defined
I found one usefull project on GitHub that help me a lot to make all this work. Please find the link below :
Thank you again for your help
You cannot instantiate the BluetoothLEDevice with default constructor because there is no such constructor in this case.
Please use this code snippet in instantiate the BT device.