I use vue3-openlayers and want to add polygons to a vector-source.
This is a part of the template with the vector-layer and the source-vector.
<ol-source-vector ref="source"></ol-source-vector>
The script-section:
Feature = inject("ol-feature");
Geom = inject("ol-geom");
source = ref(null);
mounted() {
const coords = [[11.5647931, 47.2522687], [11.5649255, 47.2522687], [11.5649254, 47.2521789]];
const geometry = new this.Geom.Polygon([coords]);
const feature = new this.Feature({
geometry: geometry,
How can I add a stroke width and a fill color to the feature?
After you create a feature, you can set the style on the feature. For instance:
More about that you can read here: https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_Feature-Feature.html#setStyle