I am using the TypeScript compiler API to transform TypeScript code, but one thing I haven't quite figured out is adding/removing modifiers in a generic way. The closest I've gotten is this
function removeDeclareModifier(s) {
let modifiers;
// Remove declare modifiers
if (s.modifiers) {
modifiers = s.modifiers.filter(m => m.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword);
} else {
return s;
if (ts.isVariableStatement(s)) {
return ts.updateVariableStatement(s, modifiers, s.declarationList);
} else if (ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(s)) {
return ts.updateTypeAliasDeclaration(s, s.decorators, modifiers, s.name, s.typeParameters, s.type);
} else if (ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(s)) {
return ts.updateInterfaceDeclaration(s, s.decorators, modifiers, s.name, s.typeParameters, s.heritageClauses, s.members);
} else if (ts.isEnumDeclaration(s)) {
return ts.updateEnumDeclaration(s, s.decorators, modifiers, s.name, s.members);
} else if (ts.isClassDeclaration(s)) {
return ts.updateClassDeclaration(s, s.decorators, modifiers, s.name, s.typeParameters, s.heritageClauses, s.members);
} else if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(s)) {
return ts.updateFunctionDeclaration(s, s.decorators, modifiers, s.asteriskToken, s.name, s.typeParameters, s.parameters, s.type, s.body);
return s;
but this seems really verbose, is probably missing a ton of cases and is very prone to breaking when one of the signatures change.
I've found another answer where it was suggested to replace the modifiers array, but s.modifiers
is readonly, so TypeScript won't let me do that.
Is there no better way to just update the modifiers without recreating the entire AST node?
You can use ts.transform