How to add random integer for each case in Schemathesis?

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I'm trying to test an API endpoint with random input for mid and cids (code below). However, whenever I run the test it says missing required positional arguments. Can anyone please help?

@schema.given(mid=st.integers(), cids=st.lists(st.integers()))
def test_api_customised(mid, cids, case):
    case.headers = case.headers or {}
    case.headers['Authorization'] = "apiKey " + str(base64_composer)
    case.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
    if case.method == "POST":
        if isinstance(case.body, dict):
            case.body['moduleId'] = mid
            case.body['clientIds'] = cids

    response =

And I got this error:

    TypeError: test_api_customised() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'mid' and 'cids'


There are 1 answers

Stranger6667 On

It is likely caused by the presence of explicit examples in the API schema. See this issue.

A temporary solution would be to exclude the explicit phase:

...  # Skipped for brevity
from hypothesis import settings, Phase

# Used in `@settings`
PHASES = phases=set(Phase) - {Phase.explicit}

@schema.given(mid=st.integers(), cids=st.lists(st.integers()))
@settings(max_examples=1, phases=PHASES)
def test_api_customised(mid, cids, case):
    ...  # the rest of the test

A more comprehensive solution requires changes in Schemathesis (see this issue)

You could check whether it is the case for you by removing examples / example / x-examples / x-example keywords (depending on your API spec version) from the API schema. If it is not the case, I encourage you to report this issue with more details (preferably including your API schema).