How to add popper.js in an oracle JET project

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I am trying to include bootstrap in my OJET project where I use ojet v6 library. I got an error saying ojmodule failed due to "popper is required".

What I have Tried

  1. I have added the popper.js in lib folder.
  2. I have included the lib in main.js file inside require.js configPath array.
  // Path mappings for the logical module names
    'popper' : 'libs/popper/popper.min' ,
    'bootstrap' : 'libs/bootstrap4/js/bootstrap.min',
    //other libs goes here
  1. Added the "popper" reference in shim object of main.js
    shim: {
    'jquery': {
        exports: ['jQuery', '$']
    'Popper' : {
        exports : ['Popper', 'popper']
  1. added the popper reference in an ojet module. by
define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'appController','popper','bootstrap'],
        function (oj, ko, app, popper,bootstrap) {

Still get an error failed to load ojet module "popper is needed by require.js". Please help or suggest any edit.


There are 3 answers

Santosh Panigrahi On BEST ANSWER

Bootstrap 4 uses popper.js and jquery as its dependency. It should be loaded before bootstrap. As I can see you have added in shim and assuming that the path provided in the require.config is correct It should work;

If it is not working you can have a workaround like instead of adding the dependency separately to the project add the bootstrap bundle directly.

  // Path mappings for the logical module names
    'jquery': 'libs/jquery/jquery-3.3.1',
    'bootstrap' : 'libs/bootstrap4/js/bootstrap.bundle.min',

Note the bootstrap.bundle.min.js contains popper but not jquery. So you need to load jquery before bootstrap.

ravi chandu On

instead of adding bootstrap.min.js add bootstrap.bundle.min.js to your require path.

user3251343 On

I tried to include underscore.js and followed below steps:

  1. npm i underscore.js, we can install any module because it runs on node

  2. modify path_mapping.json:

"underscore": {
    "cdn": "3rdparty",
    "cwd": "node_modules/underscore",
    "debug": {
        "src": "underscore.js",
        "path": "libs/underscore/underscore.js",
        "cdnPath": "underscore/underscore.1.0"
    "release": {
        "src": "underscore.min.js",
        "path": "libs/underscore/underscore.min.js",
        "cdnPath": "underscore/underscore.1.0"
  1. modify main.js
'underscore': 'libs/underscore',
  1. use in viewModels:
    "require", "exports", "knockout", "ojs/ojbootstrap", "ojs/ojconverterutils-i18n", "ojs/ojarraydataprovider", "ojs/ojcolor", "ojs/ojconverter-datetime", "underscore","ojs/ojknockout", "ojs/ojbutton", "ojs/ojinputtext", "ojs/ojcollapsible", "ojs/ojinputnumber", "ojs/ojradioset", "ojs/ojcheckboxset", "ojs/ojselectcombobox", "ojs/ojselectsingle", "ojs/ojdatetimepicker", "ojs/ojswitch", "ojs/ojslider", "ojs/ojcolorspectrum", "ojs/ojcolorpalette", "ojs/ojlabel", "ojs/ojformlayout", "ojs/ojlabelvalue","ojs/ojaccordion","ojs/ojactioncard"
function (require, exports, ko, Bootstrap, ojconverterutils_i18n_1, ArrayDataProvider, Color, ojconverter_datetime_1,_) {
    function EmployeesViewModel() {
        _.each([1, 2, 3], console.log);
        var self=this;
        self.logMsg = ko.observable("none");
        self.actionHandler = (event) => {
            this.logMsg("Action handler invoked - " +;
    return EmployeesViewModel;